This young girl was hit by a hit and run driver in Lagos five days ago. She was taken to Galadimus hospital at 83 Sanya street, Surulere where she has been unconscious since. No one has come to take see her or claim to know her. The hospital have since informed the police about the girl and are doing their best to take care of her but they are now reaching out to the general public. If anyone knows her kindly go to the hospital or reach Dr Collins on 09082072740. Click read more to see closer pics...



Diplomaticporch was started in July 2013 by Shekoni Aremuokin. Aremuokin lives his life in diplomacy. And believes, every story is unique and every story matters. At Diplomaticporch, we have a singular passion- to tell the world your story and to enable your story! Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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