Delectable Nollywood Yoruba actress, Toyin Aimakhu seems to have finally said goodbye to her marriage to the young actor and producer, Adeniyi Johnson. In her recent post on Instagram, Toyin put an image of herself with a word “If life can remove someone you never dreamed of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of having.”
Can someone tell us what this really means? Toyin and Niyi got married about a year now, there wedding, though, was a low-key affair, but it was well talked about on social media as people never think the two could be one.
A few months back, the cookies crumbled as Toyin, it was alleged, caught her husband pants down with another woman after several attempts and that brought about their separation until now that Toyin posted this image.
Can someone tell us what this really means? Toyin and Niyi got married about a year now, there wedding, though, was a low-key affair, but it was well talked about on social media as people never think the two could be one.
A few months back, the cookies crumbled as Toyin, it was alleged, caught her husband pants down with another woman after several attempts and that brought about their separation until now that Toyin posted this image.
The woman not her husband everytime