Check out some sexual rituals practiced around the world in past and present. You’ll be totally shocked, amused, amazed and even disgusted!

Do you have a song dedicated to your... body part?

Before Hawaiian culture has been influenced and transformed by Europeans, Hawaiian people had public names for their genitals. And not only that: everyone, including Hawaiian royalty, had their own genital chants which praised their private parts both literally and figuratively.

These chants called mele ma‘is celebrated the future generations. So, ancient Hawaiian islanders were much more creative than those who invented a “va-jay-jay” euphemism! Besides that, sex training was direct and firsthand. Young individuals learned of coitus and sex play from instruction, direct observation, and practice. As they slept in the family house, they observed their parents having coitus.
Sometimes growing up sucks - literally.

Growing up in the Sambian tribe of New Guinea sucks – literally. The tradition in this tribe is really far from usual. Young men there must fellate and then swallow the sperm of the mightiest warriors. It is believed that this sick ritual will make young people strong and mighty as those warriors. For the Sambia people of highland New Guinea, homosexuality and heterosexuality were not opposed, but were understood to be stages in a single sequence of normal male development. 

As the Sambia saw it, boys lacked a crucial substance necessary to develop muscle, stature, bravery, and other characteristics of a successful warrior. This substance, jurungdu, was concentrated in semen, which the boys would ingest in the course of homosexual acts during several stages of initiation. As a boy progressed in his initiation he would change from being a receiver of semen to a donor of semen, as younger initiates would perform oral sex on him. At the end of the initiation process the adult man would marry and eventually maintain exclusively heterosexual relations.
Сhildren's erotic games.

The tribe of the Trobriand Islands, which is the part of the nation of Papua New Guinea, has customs that may surprise many. At seven or eight years of age, Trobriand children begin to play erotic games with each other and imitate adult seductive attitudes. About four or five years later, they begin to pursue sexual partners. They change partners often. 

Women are just as assertive and dominant as men in pursuing or refusing a lover. This is not only allowed, but encouraged. Women are just as active as men in pursuing sexual encounters. There's no social stigma involved.
Gay oasis.

Siwa tribe living in the Siwa oasis in Egypt had an extensive centuries-long tradition of homosexuality and rituals celebrating same-sex marriages which were eradicated by the Egyptian authorities only after the WWII. In 1937 the anthropologist Walter Cline wrote the first detailed ethnography of the Siwans in which he noted: 

"All normal Siwan men and boys practice sodomy...among themselves the natives are not ashamed of this; they talk about it as openly as they talk about love of women, and many if not most of their fights arise from homosexual competition....Prominent men lend their sons to each other. All Siwans know the matings which have taken place among their sheiks and their sheiks' sons....Most of the boys used in sodomy are between twelve and eighteen years of age."
Mangaia island is a real paradise.

Mangaia is a tiny paradise island in the Pacific Ocean where sex exists for both pleasure and procreation and is a principal interest and activity. The Mangaian boy hears of masturbation at about 7 and begins the practice at the age 8 or 9. At 13, he undergoes the superincision ritual (a slit is made on the top of the penis, along its entire length) and the expert who performs the surgery gives him explicit sexual instruction. 

About two weeks after the operation, the boy has intercourse with an experienced woman who provides him with practice in various acts and positions. She specifically trains him in restraint so that he can have simultaneous orgasms with his partner. The young girl receives similar expert instruction and will typically have three or four successive boyfriends between the ages of 13 and 20. 

Mangaian parents encourage their daughters to have sexual experiences with several men so that they can find a marriage partner who is congenial. Boys aggressively seek out girls, typically having coitus every night. The average boy may have ten or more girlfriends before marriage. At around age 18, the Mangaians typically have sex most nights of the week with about three orgasms per night. All women apparently learn to experience orgasm. Bringing his partner to orgasm is one of the man’s primary sources of pleasure.
If you like sex, death is the best choice for you on this remote island.

Inisheer island is the total opposite to Mangaia. Inisheer is a remote island off the coast of Ireland. It contains small and isolated Irish catholic community described by the anthropologists as one of the most sexually repressed societies in the world. There is no formal sex education there, and sexual intercourse is treated by both sexes as a necessary evil which must be endured for the sake of reproduction. 

Phenomena such as menstruation and menopause are regarded with fear and disgust. Breast-feeding is avoided. Not only premarital sex, but kissing, caressing, and any affection is seen as too sexual and is therefore prohibited. Nudity is extremely private, to the extent that even a married couple conducts intercourse in the dark and fully clothed, except for genitals. The missionary position is the only way sex is practiced. 

Any other variation of sex is seen as deviant and sinful. The average age at marriage is 36 for men and 25 for women. A man is considered a "boy" until age 40. Even dogs there are whipped for licking their genitals. The repressive atmosphere, according to the researchers, led to high levels of drinking and alcohol-fuelled fights. Currently there are 250 people living in this sexual hell. Not surprisingly, the total population of this grim island never exceeded 500 people.
In Himalayas, brothers share everything... Including their wife!

Some tribes in the Himalayas practice polyandry, where a group of brothers share a wife. This arrangement works best when the wife is adept at "scheduling" time with each brother. The thing is that there is little land available for farming and agriculture, and families with more than one son would be faced with the necessity to divide up their land where each son to start their own family. To avoid this, polyandry is practised.
UK polyandry.

Well, it’s practised not only in Himalayas, actually. Maria Butzki currently lives in London with her former husband and her current lover and makes love to both of them.
One big happy family.

They live in one apartment as one big happy family. “People might think it’s weird but I love both men and couldn’t choose between them,” Maria says. Paul, her former husband says about Maria’s lover that “Peter is a great guy. When Maria first had the affair with him I was just heartbroken. But as I got to know him, I realised we have so much in common.

We both adore fishing, and he’s like a surrogate dad to the kids.” Peter adds: “We all get on so well. It doesn’t feel as if I’m ¬sharing Maria. There’s no -jealousy …it feels as if we are a team.”
Yemeni child brides.

Over half of Yemeni girls are married before 18, some by the age of eight. Yemen government's Sharia Legislative Committee has blocked attempts to raise marriage age to either 15 or 18, on grounds that any law setting minimum age for girls is un-Islamic. 

Yemeni Muslim activists argue that some girls are ready for marriage at age 9. Sometimes girls as young as five are married off to middle-aged men. There are cases when the difference between spouses’ age is 40 years.
And the last but not the least...

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