Japhta Lekgoara, a South African inmate who is presently awaiting trial in prison, was assaulted by fellow inmates who chopped off both his ears. They didn't stop there, they went ahead and forced him to eat and swallow them! Dear God...

The incident took place last Tuesday in Mahwelereng Police Station.

The victim's lawyer, Klaas Madlanato, was angry following the attack, which he said happened in front of police officers who did nothing to stop it. Madlanato said he had visited his client, Japhta Lekgoara, 29, for a consultation on Tuesday afternoon and found him in pain. He said upon inquiring, Lekgoara told him he was attacked by fellow inmates who used a razor blade to cut off his ears.

"My worry is that the attack happened inside the police holding cells, where we believe [he] would be protected," said Madlanato.

He said the fact that criminals could be attacked while in custody meant that they were not safe, "even in the hands of the police".
"Lekgoara told me that while bleeding after his ears had fallen to the ground inside the cells, he was ordered to pick [them up] and swallow them, which he did in fear for his own life," he added.

The lawyer said he was still deciding on what course of action to take against the police and the attackers. He said Lekgoara was also severely assaulted and had bruises all over his body.

Lekgoara was arrested in Pretoria on Saturday on two counts of armed robbery with aggravating circumstances and two charges of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. He was taken to Mahwelereng and appeared in the Mokerong Magistrate's Court.

Police took Lekgoara to Mokopane Hospital for treatment after the attack. A bandaged Lekgoara is currently back in the police cells.

Mokopane Hospital spokesman Malose Seko confirmed that Lekgoara was treated at the facility on Tuesday and discharged the same day.

"He was brought in by the police, bleeding and with both ears cut off. Medication was administered and he was discharged after the treatment."

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