Eunice Anyango has been growing this huge tumour on her left leg

This is the shocking story of a 35-year-old mother of one from Eshirumbwe village, Matungu constituency who was allegedly bewitched as she has been afflicted with a huge tumour.

According to The Star, the woman is seeking financial help for surgery to remove a huge tumour she has had on her left leg since 1992.

Eunice Anyango on Saturday said, “A stick struck my tibia as I was walking home one day. I slipped and fell but didn’t think it was serious so I didn’t go to the hospital. The tumour started out small but has become huge.”

She lives with her blind mother and 16-year-old son Shadrack Odongo. Anyango said she was given a tetanus injection at a Migori dispensary but the tumour kept growing.

“My leg started swelling tremendously and I had to be admitted at Russia Hospital in Kisumu,” she said.
Explaining how her predicament, Anyango says she underwent a minor operation. “She is my eighth born. Only three children are alive and one disappeared into the city many years ago,” she told the Star.

“Our neighbours have deserted us. Nobody comes to visit us except members of the Glory of Zion Church. They came to pray for us and built us this house. May the good God of Abraham bless them.”

Odongo said he skips class to take care of his mother and grandmother.

“I’m supposed to be in form two but I am in standard six because it is hard to juggle school and caring for my family. When I come back from school at around 6pm, I have to fetch water and firewood then prepare food for my mother and grandmother,” he said.

Odongo said he does casual work during the weekend.

“I till our neighbours’ farms and the money I get goes towards food for the family and paying school fees. By the time I have paid all the bills, I am left with coins,” he said.

“I have never concentrated in school. I am either sent home for not paying school fees, or I am taking care of our family. My health is deteriorating and I just don’t know what to do because I cannot afford medical care.”

It seems help has come as an NGO Mashinani Initiative said it will pay Odongo’s fees arrears. Director Peter Nabulindo said, “From now henceforth, I will buy food for the family as the NGO looks for ways to get Anyango and her son treated.”

Neighbour Mabel Akiso said the whole community, including the chief, has abandoned Anyango.

“The chief and her assistant know about the condition of this family, but they have never done anything about it. This woman is old and blind, but she does not receive cash from the kitty meant to help senior citizens,” she said.

Akiso said the community believes the family is bewitched.

“That is why most people stay away from Anyango, her mother and son,” she said.



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