Donald Trump on Saturday vowed to "never" drop out of the presidential race as a growing chorus of Republicans urged him to do exactly that after sexually aggressive remarks he made in 2005 surfaced a day earlier.
The Republican nominee, eager to dispel notions of waning support, emerged from the front entrance of Trump Tower in Manhattan late Saturday afternoon to greet a throng of cheering fans after spending the day huddled with campaign advisers.
For just over a minute, he shook several hands, pumped his fist in the air and waved to the supporters and passersby huddled on a rainy Fifth Avenue before heading back inside. Asked by reporters if he planned to stay in the race, Trump answered simply: "100%."
But meanwhile, Trump's campaign appeared to be deteriorating around him as the Republican Party descended into a state of chaos.
His own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, said he was "offended" by Trump's remarks and canceled plans to represent him at a political event on Saturday.



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