By happenstance, I came across a report online detailing the confession of a dying retired former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) operative, 79-year old Malcom Howard. It has always been said that when an individual is dying and he has the rare opportunity of knowing the end is imminent, as it is the case with Howard, who has  few weeks left to live, according to his doctors, such individual would strive to make peace with his maker.

This probably informed Howard’s confession as he detailed how he and three others planned and executed the demolition of the World Trade Centre7 (WTC7) through controlled explosives, contrary to what the public had been led to believe, that the building came down as a result of damage caused by flying debris from the two other towers destroyed during the 9/11 Osama Bin Laden-led Al Qaeda’s attack on the US.

The government’s official report in the aftermath of the collapse was that the WTC7 came down due to “uncontrolled fires” that were caused by debris that came from WTC 1 and 2, which had been hit by passenger planes that had been hijacked by the terrorists, a few hours earlier.

His confession simply reveals that the American public was deceived by its government.

Apart from the fact that the two incidents happened in September, though several years apart, Howard’s confession brings the Synagogue church building collapse of September 12, 2014 and the controversies surrounding it, vividly to mind. Footage of the two incidents shows uncanny similarities, which in retrospect give substance to the claims of the church on what led to the collapse.

CCTV footage that captured moments before the church’s guest house collapsed revealed that a strange aircraft had flown on three occasions over the building. This, the church said was not a coincidence. A witness in the ongoing trial of engineers in charge of the structure, said an “infrasonic weapon”, was fired on the church. Infrasonic weapon has been described as a low sound radiation used to cause structural damage and destruction to objects.

Indeed, former Aviation Minister, Femi Fani-Kayode gave credence to the claim that the collapse was a product of high level conspiracy. In an article he wrote early last month, he said the incident was not an accident but the work of some fifth columnists in government who employed the drone technology to blow up the building. “The attack involved the use of certain members of our intelligence agencies who used a large remote-controlled drone to fly over the building and who then activated an explosive device which had been planted in the building days earlier. His thesis sounds similar to Howard’s confession about the WTC7.

Indeed, the footage of the WTC7 collapse and the synagogue’s shows an uncanny similarity in the way the two buildings collapsed on themselves.

With Howard’s revelation, one can now begin to understand the possibilities in the arguments and claims from the church and all those who blamed the church’s collapse on fifth columnists.   The CIA ex-operative said “It was a classic controlled demolition with explosives. We used super-fine military grade nanothermite composite materials as explosives. The hard part was getting thousands of pounds of explosives, fuses and ignition mechanisms into the building without causing too much concern. But almost every single office in the building was rented by the CIA, the Secret Service, or the military, which made it easier.”

The explosives were then loaded in strategic places, thus while the WTC 1and 2 were still burning in the aftermath of the terrorists attack, fuses were lit in WTC7. The explosives were said to have hollowed out the building, destroyed the steel structures, and removed the reinforcements, which allowed fire to “tear through the rest of the building.” The building then came down on itself in what was described as a freefall as it did not encounter any resistance. In Howard’s words, “when the building came down, it was such a rush. Everything went exactly to plan. It was so smooth. Everybody was evacuated. Nobody was hurt in WTC 7. We were celebrating. We kept watching replays of the demolition; we had the whiskey and cigars out”, to celebrate a perfect job. Maybe some people celebrated a job well done too, when the Synagogue building came to the same end. The only difference is that while WTC7 had no casualty, the Synagogue had some casualties, though such would not have bothered those who planned the “job”.

It is almost three years now, the issue is still largely unresolved because the government did not give credence to the church’s claim, rather, it has relied on report from its officials.

This is what sets the two countries –America and Nigeria, apart. Many people may not agree, but America is a country that still has people with conscience. It is why the societal focus is how to make life comfortable for all rather than for a few people. How to bring closure to families of victims of tragic incidence. It is a country where law enforcement agencies conduct forensic investigation on crime leading to the culprits being caught, who subsequently confess to their crime. Howard has shown that. His confession is voluntary, though made on the death bed. One can bet that his confession would not be the end of that matter.  It would not be surprising if the American government decides to launch further investigation into what Howard confessed, if the fall out of further investigations would not affect national security, though America has its hands full now since Donald Trump happened on them.

Back home in Nigeria, one wonders whether the inner voice of good or conscience still speaks to us. We profess conscience, but we turn deaf to the little voice of conscience. How would there be closure and justice for families who lost loved ones especially when government choose to ignore the church’s side of what happened. The confession from Howard has opened up further possibilities about what took place on September 12, 2014. It is an area that government should look into. Late Gen Sani Abacha’s years of state-sponsored bombing and killings have shown   havocs that security agents and by extension fifth columnists in government, as Fani-Kayode described them, can get up to.

Maybe, just maybe, we should also wait for some confessions from this end too.

Written by Bolaji Tunji



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