A Kuwaiti man has divorced his bride just one day into their marriage after he failed to fulfill his husbandry duties on their wedding night - and she had the audacity to try to help him along.

The man had found himself unable to consummate their marriage on the first night of their honeymoon in Saudi Arabia, and his young bride decided to take the matter into her own hands.
The Saudi woman allegedly tried to reassure her new husband about the situation, and 'showed him
what to do', but surprisingly this did not go down well.

'She calmed him down and guided him,' a local newspaper reports.
'On the next day, the groom divorced his wife and took a flight back to Kuwait on the grounds she is bold and rude.'

The bride's family is now reportedly suing the groom for defaming their daughter's reputation.

The Kuwaiti groom has come under harsh critique on social media, with a number of Saudi bloggers branding him a 'loser' and calling for him to recall the divorce and apologise, according to GulfNews.
They point out that the younger generation of conservative Muslims learn about sex online and that her response to the situation did not mean she had not been a virgin on their wedding day, but simply that she knew how to use the internet.

This is not the first controversial divorce involving a Saudi couple in recent weeks.
Last month, a superstitious Saudi man divorced his wife just two days after their wedding because he considered her unlucky.

On the first day of their marriage, the drapes in their home fell down and a waiter serving them fell over during their dinner. The groom reportedly believed this meant his wife would bring him bad luck and decided it would be best to divorce her.

A few weeks earlier, a 20-year-old Saudi woman filed for divorce from her husband-of-seven-months because he is shorter than her. In legal documents she claimed that towering over her husband during their brief seven month union had made her feel 'painfully uneasy' and 'distressingly uncomfortable.'



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