In a letter he sent to Diplomatic Porch, he revealed that he has no tolerance for rude, racist and homophobic people and that he is still a virgin. Read the letter below...
'My life is fairly bland, but it belongs to me, I'm not popular but my friends are more than enough, saying and doing what I want and when I want. I can hide my emotions better than anyone I know. I fight, face and destroy, standing up for what I believe in. I have no tolerance for rude, racist and homophobic people.'

' I won't admit my faults but I do know I make mistakes, I am the sunrise after a sleepless night blinding your eyes. If we acknowledge that physical appearance is your primary scale value, we have to acknowledge and respect everyone's choice in life as equals because if everyone is beautiful or everyone can be beautiful or everyone is beautiful to someone it's okay to base our entire civilization on hot or Not.'

'I'm a virgin... I am one of a kind that's me, I am quite a find with a mix of colour in my hair, a twinkle in my eyes, oh don't you see? I can catch a ball and perform talents because I know I got greatness within me.'
'I can dance a jig and still do a dab, watch me learn and watch me grow. I can act, Did you know? I am unique and wonderful , I am simply Me. I don't care what you say about me, its just that you are not as good as me.'

I am a model, Did you know? There is a better way of looking at your critics .Tell them you are not who they say you are but you are what you are. I want to go out with my head erect.'
'I want to deserve all men's respect, I want to be able to title myself now to everyone out there. say to yourselves "I am the best" I am legend. Remember "CONFESSION is POSSESSION.
Dear Romeo I am no Juliet, I am simply Me......BAYO. Anyone who can't see the good in me, I am hugging them right now because I know its quite difficult being blind....! '
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