Hello everyone, My name is Folashade, my friends call me Sade (Not real name tho'). I want everyone reading this to pause whatever they are doing and read this for some split minutes. I'm sure not going to take your time but there are somethings you encounter in life that make you wish you used the time you had well.... Life to me is like a rose in the hands of a fairy, and you are that fairy... The roses are so much to fill up the brussels boulevard of Bulgaria. Each one of you have your life in your hand, you either let that flower grow or you squash it... I write this with tears in my eyes and I don't know who I might be saving with this write up but never fail to share.

I'm a graduate of the University of Lagos where I studied Mass Communication. I came from a pretty good home... Not as wealthy as Dangote but still able to put millions in cheque. As the only child of my parents, I had everything I wished for in life. So much fun and happiness. I went to the best of schools money could afford. It took a lot of persuation from me to convince my parents to let me study at Unilag against my their wish for a private university. Finally they agreed and my joy knew no bounds. My mum wanted to even help me get my belongings into my hostel...

Getting into school as the naive rich kid on the block didn't come with so much fun. Everyone kept on staring at me like I fell from mars. My room was one of the best and it had a lady there too, Ada. We moved together most of the time and everyone kept wondering how our skin looked so fresh. I faced my studies squarely and kept the focus look. After coming out tops in my 1st year, Ada and I decided to stay off school and live in a very furnished apartment. Ada brought in a friend to squat with us because she didn't have much... Banke was like a sister to us and we all lived peacefully. Though she had her weird side and she loved hanging out with guys, she was a real brilliant lad. Soon after she started dating one guy called Femi... They seemed so much in love and it was through Femi I met Charles.

The dude was smoking hot... Geeezzz!!! He sent all my goose bumps flaying out and got my chest popping out. I don't know what he actually did to turn me on so bad but he just had that charm. Banke and her bobo just kept on flexing.and hardly stayed in school again. By our third year, Charles and I were officially a couple but that was when news about him being a flirt started filtering the air. I got to find out and broke up with him. Though we broke up, my heart still wanted him and before I knew it I was back to him and then I found myself in his bed. I was in full control of my emotions and I wanted it too. Sex! Hot flowing sex! And he sure did give it to me hot. He was the first I had... he took it all first and he thought me a lot. He promised he had ditched all other girls and would be true. That kain love that can scatter your head.

Towards the end of our second semester, Ada came home looking pale. She kept crying for ages...After I asked her what happened, she confessed she has HIV.... H~I what????? I was so devastated, but that wasn't even the shocking part. When I asked her how, She said she got it from Charles.... my own Charles!!! Lord Jesus! I nearly went beserk.

Charles went into hiding immediately and Ada had to leave school. We were about writing our exams when the news of Banke's death landed. It hit me so bad and shattered me. Some said she died during abortion... abortion kwa? Lord, what's happening? I weeped and cried. I always heard of stories like this but I never believed I could experience it. I shut everyone out, even my parents. After our exams, I knew I had to do an HIV test ane I did so two weeks later... I died a million death before I saw the result. I had already concluded I had it too.

The doctor was just smiling like a closeup advert aspirant and kept on giving me advise after advise in my angry state. I just needed to see my result not someone telling me "Your.having HIV doesn't mean it is the end of the world" YUCK!!! Finally the result came out and luckily I was tested negative. I got back to my apartment with mixed feelings. Glad I escaped but so sad I lost all my friends. I got home to meet the letter that changed my life... It was a poem from Banke's mum sent in an envelope and it read:

"Offer me this deathless death A lifeless life in a causeless curse The cymbals of joy at the sign of a new birth Born so gentle, so meek and without flaws

Five cute fingers on my thumb Strong emotions that could make angels dumb Her pretty tender face radiated upon by moonlight Born with wild jubilation, so sure the future would be bright
How glorious were your dimples The cynosure of all eyes as you grew into woman hood Bibanke, a rare breed with a smile that twinkles Who could evet fathom you'd be gone so soon
I curse the day you met him The day he smiled and called you "Onitemi" The day you replied and giggled "Femi Ife mi" The day he laid you on his bed and you smiled "Olomi"

Let the gates of hades be forever cursed In pungent sorrow I feel like I'm the cause Abandoned by your father when you were barely two Omo mi, you couldn't even wait to clock twenty~two
Offer me this deathless death, I pray once more ye sons of Eli Ye condomless generation with little regard for abstinence You forget that unprotected sex has it's consequence You like it raw so you spread your legs wide like the disciples of Deliliah

How do I, in my dying bed, conquer my dauntless foes Years of suffering and anguish, a pain no one knows You choose the drug to end the life of that little one But you die with it, just because of five minutes fun
Weep not ye mothers of the godly Bibanke my only child choose a course so unworthy But offer me this deathless death, that I may die without the sound of a gong And I shan't wail but whisper in despair, "Satan Begone!"

That poem changed my life forever.... I read it with bleeding tears. I realised I was undone... I was looking for things that never were there. I swore never to be entangled in any negative thing and look at me today, I'm soooo fulfilled. You all know me but you don't know my story. What's yours?

Credit: Derrick Chidumebi



Diplomaticporch was started in July 2013 by Shekoni Aremuokin. Aremuokin lives his life in diplomacy. And believes, every story is unique and every story matters. At Diplomaticporch, we have a singular passion- to tell the world your story and to enable your story! Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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