According to this True Life Story, Written by a
COLLEGE GIRL before she gave up the Ghost. I Took
Off My UNDE RWEAR….. I used to be that innocent girl
who had the world at her feet.

I was beautiful and I had eyes and HIPS that could
make men sway, and to top it all up, I was a Christian, a
very good Christian with a heart burning for God.

When I entered the university, I met a guy, his name was
DERRICK. I couldn’t believe my luck the first time I
bumped into him on my way to class, he had such a kind
smile and a tender look that weakened my knees when
he spoke. Because I was late for class we couldn’t talk
much but barely three weeks later, I met him at the
fresher’s night party and I was overwhelmed.

We got talking and I found out that he was in his second
year and from that night, we became an inseparable
pair. At first, we were friends and as months passed by,
we got closer and closer and the chemistry between us
was undeniable.

About a year after I entered the university, Derrick
and I started dating. He was everything a girl could
ever want and desire save the fact that he wasn’t so
much of a Christian. Derrick had magical hands that
made him hard to resist and most times I fell for it.

At first, I felt bad but when I couldn’t help falling into
the same pit I killed the guilt on my inside. And then one
day, one of my friends said I was getting fatter and
that got me thinking and in the process I began to link
the dots…

First I had a vomiting spree every morning
which I thought was due to a flu and then I had this
morning sickness which I felt was due to stress and then
my missing period…oh no it can’t be possible I said to
myself, I couldn’t be pregnant!!! After a series of test
outside school, I realized the deadliest truth, I was
indeed pregnant. I was only nineteen, I still had a whole
life ahead of me, what was I going to do.

I couldn’t tell my parents, they wouldn’t hear of it.
Ihad to go to Derrick to tell him what I had found out.
On telling him, I saw him fly into a temper I had never
seen in my life. 

He was so hysterical, calling me all sorts
of names and I didn’t even know when I started crying
heart drenching tears of hurt and betrayal. When he
looked into my eyes he must have realized how scared
and hurt I was and so he pulled me close and ran his
hands through my hair until I had calmed down and then
he said to me in the most subtle voice ever ”why don’t
you have an abortion”.

I pulled back instantly, I couldn’t have an abortion! But
when he talked about my parents and the sanctioning of
the school and the fellowship which I belonged to, I knew
I had no other choice.

Derrick had made all the arrangements and so on the
supposed day we went to the room- like clinic. I shivered
all through my way there but Derrick kept telling me
that it would be okay and that he was proud that I made
such a brave decision.

When I entered into the room where the abortion was
supposed to take place I laid down on the table trying to
dissociate my mind from what I was about to do and
then a young man told me sternly, ” you know I can’t
perform this procedure with your UNDE RWEAR on” and
then I began to pull it off.

As I did this a sense of guilt overwhelmed me, first I
had pulled off my UNDE RWEAR of pleasure and now I
was pulling it off to get rid of the stigma the pleasure
had brought what a shame, I felt so exposed.

All through the times that I felt instruments coming in
and out of me, I kept thinking of the lady I had become
and the hypocrite I had transformed into.

I let out a sigh, only if I can get through this I
muttered… only if…and then I felt a sharp pain pierce
through the whole of my body, I screamed but then the
doctor told me to be quiet. I felt another pain but this
time I bit my lip and then the pain began to come in

I instinctively knew that something was wrong but I was
too weak totally or to move and then I heard the voices
of Derrick and the doctor talking about the fact that I
was bleeding excessively. 

The pain was so unbearable and
I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker.
With the last strength in me, I pleaded with God”Oh
Lord I’m so sorry for taking my under wears off, please
forgive me.” and I drifted into a world where the pain
seemed less hurtful and the voices seemed more distant.

Friends, our bodies are the temple of the Lord. Do not
take off your UNDE RWEAR when the time is not right.
Lots of girls who gained admission into the university as
virgins eventually lost it so cheaply to guys who have
nothing to do with their destinies. In a bid to get a
certificate, they sold out a destiny that certificate
cannot guarantee….she died long time ago.



Diplomaticporch was started in July 2013 by Shekoni Aremuokin. Aremuokin lives his life in diplomacy. And believes, every story is unique and every story matters. At Diplomaticporch, we have a singular passion- to tell the world your story and to enable your story! Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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