Sports analyst Biola Kazeem has taken to Twitter to question the inability of TSTV Nigeria to commence operation 17 days after launch. He also slammed Nigerians on their gullibility and willingness to accept promises without questioning.

Satellite TV service provider, TSTV had earlier announced that its TSTV Africa will begin commercial operation on Nov. 1.
Tstv Managing Director, Mr Bright Echefu added that TSTV would launch its services with about one million decoders nationwide. And that at least 5,000 decoders TSTV would be released to the public weeks ago for free, with one month free subscription to test run its services.
There hasn’t been word out yet if the decoders were freely given out as promised.
See Biola Kazeem’s tweets below:

If you want to understand why MMM cleaned out in Nigeria,just looked at how supposedly even educated people gobbled TSTV’s promises
A company shows up, promises illogical things & when you ask normal questions, you are labelled an unpatriotic enemy & shouted down
All explanations as to how TV rights work met deaf ears. Supposedly educated people who should know better too jumped on the wagon
It is 17 days after launch, no decoder, no transmission & letters of disassociation from supposed channels partners are piling up.
It is tragic that Nigerians are so gullible. So easily moved by promises too good to be true. So unquestioning & lacking curiosity.
Where in the world is premium cable content cheap? Where in the world is a luxury service deemed a commodity & sold at value prices?
It is only in Nigeria that even educated people are convinced PREMIUM entertainment content should be cheap. HITV tried that model & failed
To disguise the mass foolishness of gobbling up promises without questions, DSTV is now said to be sabotaging TSTV. How so? No answer.
How come DSTV did not sabotage StarTimes who are doing extremely well? Kwese who have done some solid work in rights acquisition. How?
Then came the “TSTV is our own.”How so?You have shares there?Your father has shares there?You will get a share of profits?How is it our own?
Supposedly educated said TSTV will employ 5,000 Nigerians so we must support. The people in the DSTV ecosystem in Nigeria are who? Japanese
The people in the Startimes and Kwese ecosystem are from Nicaragua apparently. Only TSTV will employ Nigerians.Epidemic ignorance lives here
The cable TV category is powered by content you have acquired. It is not powered by faux patriotism, or tax breaks or anything else.
If TSTV are serious, they will invest money in acquiring the content people want to watch & not make false promises.
No serious company “launches” and products remain inaccessible for over month. Logic will tell you something doesn’t add up.
But logic doesn’t live in Nigeria. Only ignorance. That’s why MMM took all your life savings. That’s why TSTV got tax break from FG
That’s why people believed you can show content someone BOUGHT exclusively. That’s why you think DSTV is an enemy & TSTV is ours.
Till logic replaces ignorance even with supposedly educated people, there will be more MMMs preying on the mass idiocy of Nigerians. Selah.



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