Dr Nwokolo innocent in his office

It has been rigthly said that Health is wealth. Therefore, Diplomatic Porch has determine to introduce Health forum in the Blog where Dr Innocent will be given us health tips periodically.

Here is Dr. Nwokolo Inncent, a major distributor of Tasly World Pharmaceutical. It was a sunny afternoon when a correspondent of Diplomatic Porch visit their branch office at Surulere, Lagos.

Sir, What is Tasly all about?

Tasly is a pharmaceutical company in China that produces herbal medicine known as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) which are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Tasly is also into health equipment such as Body, Bed, Car massager, BP (Blood Pressure) monitor, Tasly Canopy etc.

Of great significance to Tasly World is the MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) business which is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for the sales they personally generate but also for the sales of the other sales people that they recruit. This recruited sales force is refers to as the participants "downline", and can provide multiple levels of compensation. Other terms used for MLM includes Network Marketing and Referral Marketing. Since the existence of Tasly in Nigeria , it has offers thousands of Nigerians jobs and wealth creation with medium of networking and still available to offer job to those who are willing or available to take up the opportunity.

How many years have you been in this Tasly business?

I've been a major Tasly Distributor since 2005, that's about 10 years ago.

What are the positivity?

- Time freedom i.e being in charge and control of your business without being limited
- It provides job security i.e, your future is secured and nobody retires or stop you from working with the company for any reason.
- Efficacy of the product: Tasly medicine is effective treating diseases and actualising the desired results during and after treatment.
- Tasly offers brand new cars and other luxuries to their distributors based on individual serious working abilities and effort
- Tasly also offers Villa award, i.e, a certain stage whereby Tasly will build house for the resource persons.
- Tourism, International trips is being offered to prospective distributors.
 Ooh well!!! If i begin to outline the goodies of Tasly, it means this interview won't end today because the essence of Tasly business networking cannot be over-emphasised.

Over the years of practising this discipline, could you tell us the diseases being diagnose and treated most in your office?

Sincerely, there's no specific diseases or sicknesses because everyone has different health issue. But mainly, i have handled and treated diseases like Diabetes, Strokes, Hypertension, Impotency, Tuberculosis, Rheumatism, Low Sperm Count, Vagina Discharge, Late and Painful Menstruation, Infertility, Staphylococcus Aerus, Body Odour, Boils, Fibroid, Malaria, Typhoid, Asthma, Syphilis etc.

How can one join this business?

You can contact my office through the numbers and address below to join.

When is your next training session coming up?

Our training usually comes up every Wednesday. But I'm open to train any serious business minded person who is willing to know and start the business.

What are the challenges of the business?

Well, multi-level marketing business is not meant for unserious and lazy people but it is the easiest and common way to make money, regular income, opportunity to network around the world etc.

I understand some of your products are quite expensive, is that true?

No, they are not. But it is just that the quality and effectiveness of the medicine determines the price.

Like A1 and Danshen Pill, what are their respective functions?

A1 capsule are used to treat all types of infections like Staphylococcus, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and immune boaster. It is very good for HIV patients. Danshen pill on the other hand is a blood circulating medicine which is also used to treat all kind of cardiovascular diseases such as Hypertension, Asthma, Angina Pectoris (Chest pain). It also balances cholesterol level in the body, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Cough, Dizziness, Malaria and Typhoid, and so on.

Dr. Nwokolo Innocent took us around his office where we took the pictures below;
Danshen Pill

Outstanding Lecturer Award

Fast Developing Shop Award

A1 Capsule

His business card

Dr. Showing us some of Tasly products 

Registration Kits

What's your greatest quote sir...

"An informed decision is the one you take without anybody's advice, because the decision determines your destiny while your destiny lies in your hands"

Pls let's have your contacts;

Feel free to reach him through this medium;

Tasly World Pharmaceutical (Nig) Co. Limited
Branch 381
57, Zamba bus-stop
By Lawanson Road
Opposite Keystone Bank
Surulere, Lagos.
Mobile: +2348067127725 (Whatsapp)
BBM PIN: 514192D1
Email: nwokoloinnocentlucky@gmail.com



Diplomaticporch was started in July 2013 by Shekoni Aremuokin. Aremuokin lives his life in diplomacy. And believes, every story is unique and every story matters. At Diplomaticporch, we have a singular passion- to tell the world your story and to enable your story! Thank you for being a part of our journey.

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