Ambode Traffic Light
Yesterday, Chief Press Secretary of Lagos State governor, Habib Aruna posted a picture of governor Akinwunmi Ambode and his entourage stopping for red light while on official trip in one of the Lagos roads. Mr. Akinwunmi, obviously might have mandated his convoy to obey all traffic rules and display an exemplary conduct.

But this action of the governor seems to have raised a dust as a lot of social media users are already lampooning the governor’s security details for obeying the red light (security risk) when the governor was on official duty and course, the press secretary for disseminating the act on social media.

Ayo Shonaiya, the black Gorilla as he’s fondly called by close allies like me, is one of those who raised a voice concerning the issue.

“I just saw a picture posted by Habib Aruna on Facebook, of Lagos State Governor Akinwunmi Ambode and his convoy STOPPED at a traffic light in Lagos. My question is WHY?!

The Governor of Lagos State doesn’t have to stop at traffic lights when he’s on official duty with his convoy should he? And in terms of his security, this is very unadvisable. I have seen Gov Ambode’s convoy, and it’s like eight vehicles, including an Ambulance! As they are allowed to cut through traffic jams, they should be allowed to cut through red lights. What are they stopping for? To prove that he obeys the Law just like every other normal citizen? But no, he’s not just any other normal citizen when he’s on duty, he’s the Governor!

I have seen comments about this picture, some are saying “kudos” and “humble governor”, Nooooo! He is the Governor and shouldn’t be stopping on plain road and even dangerously at intersections just to prove that he is not above the Law. He is making himself a sitting duck to potential harm by doing this. Who is the Head of Ambode’s security detail that sees this as a good thing, for your charge to be static for two minutes on plain road while waiting for traffic lights to change. Wow!

The fact that the convoy will be braking and stopping at Red Lights at every intersection is even dangerous. The vehicles in the convoy could quite possibly crash into each other and cause a pile up. What if the first 2 or 3 vehicles go past the green light, and the light turns red “mid convoy”? Would they now break convoy?

I do not like this. It is not breaking the Law if the Governor of Lagos State goes through Red Lights with his convoy on official duty. Maybe when he’s going somewhere in his personal car and without convoy, then he can maybe do that, but really even so, he should have some security detail with him. Stopping at red lights on official duty is not being humble, it creates a security risk. I don’t want my Governor to be humble, I want my Governor to PERFORM as he has been doing for a year now since he resumed office.

Governor Ambode, you are excused, and I don’t mind your convoy going through red lights to be getting your work done as you’ve been doing. Don’t stop. Keep Lagos moving.

This has been a Public Service Announcement by Ayo Shonaiya. If you agree or disagree with me, let me know your thoughts.”

Olusegun Ogunnaike, also commented, “One of my greatest problems with Nigerians on social media is that some of us say things that we have absolutely no clue about whatsoever! And we say it with so much confidence it almost passes as the truth. I see you have my surname as part of your name, but I’m going to distance myself from you ridiculous comments.

I live in Chicago, the hometown of President Obama. In the past 7 years of his presidency, he has visited and even passed the night in his Chicago home more than a dozen times. I HAVE NEVER seen him stop at the red light in his presidential convoy, ever! O’Hare airport – where Air force One sits while the president is in town, is the second busiest airport in the world. Every flight is halted until Air force One lands and delivers its passenger to ground transportation. The entire city literarily shuts down for the protection and security of President Obama. Now, it would be foolish to equate Obama’s status to that of Governor Ambode, but they are both public officers whose lives are constantly under scrutiny from evil people. It doesn’t make any security or economic sense for them to be stopping at traffic lights.

In February of 2017 when Mr. Obama becomes a regular American citizen again, I can guarantee you sir, that he will obey all traffic laws of the land. But not while he occupies the highest office in the land. Even if wants to do it, the Secret Service will never let that happen.”



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